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时间:2024-02-05 作者:芙蓉134





Unit 1 My Friends- My Special Gift

Theme: The importance of friendship


Friends are an integral part of our lives. They offer us support, encouragement, and a shoulder to cry on when we need it. In this lesson, we will explore the importance of friendship and learn to cherish the friends we have in our lives.


• To understand the concept of friendship and its importance in our lives.

• To learn how to identify true friends and appreciate their presence in our lives.

• To explore ways to strengthen existing friendships and build new ones.

• To develop empathy and kindness towards our friends.

Activities and Resources:

1. Discussion on the meaning and importance of friendship.

2. Role-playing scenarios to practice skills in building and maintaining friendships.

3. Readings and reflections on famous friendships and their impact on people’s lives (e.g. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson).

4. Friendship bracelet-making activity.

5. Writing letters to best friends expressing appreciation and gratitude.


• Students’ active participation in classroom discussions.

• Display of empathy and kindness towards classmates.

• Creativity and effort in friendship bracelet-making.

• Quality of writing and reflection in letters to best friends.


Through this unit, we hope that students will recognize the value of friendships and learn to cherish the special people in their lives. We also aim to provide them with the tools to build and maintain strong relationships with their friends, which will serve them well throughout their lives.

Unit 2 My Favourite Hobby - A Door to Joy

Theme: The benefits of hobbies in a digital age


In today’s digital age, hobbies serve as a much-needed break from the constant barrage of information and technology. In this lesson, we will explore the benefits of hobbies and how they can lead to greater joy and contentment in life.


• To explore the meaning of hobbies and their role in a digital age.

• To understand the benefits of hobbies for mental and physical health.

• To identify and develop a hobby that brings joy and fulfilment.

• To develop interest in new and diverse hobbies to broaden one’s horizon.

Activities and Resources:

1. Survey and discussion on students’ current hobbies and their impact on wellbeing.

2. Presentation on the benefits of hobbies (physical, emotional, intellectual).

3. Researching and sharing hobby ideas with peers.

4. Experimental hobby lessons (e.g. painting, dancing, rock climbing)

5. Reflection and discussion on the experience of trying out a new hobby.


• Demonstration of interest and enthusiasm in exploring and trying out new hobbies.

• Quality of reflection and discussion on the benefits of hobbies.

• Creativity and effort in experimental hobby lessons.


Through this unit, we hope that students will recognize the importance of hobbies in promoting wellbeing and joy in life. We also aim to provide them with the tools and interest to explore and develop hobbies that bring them meaning and fulfilment in a fast-paced and digital world.

Unit 3 My Ideal School- A Space for Growth

Theme: Designing an ideal school


Schools play a crucial role in students’ growth, development, and education. In this lesson, we will explore what an ideal school should look like and what changes can be made to improve the overall learning environment.


• To explore the components of an ideal school, including the physical environment, curriculum, extracurricular activities, and social environment.

• To understand students’ roles in creating a positive school culture and environment.

• To identify ways to improve existing schools and advocate for change.

Activities and Resources:

1. Brainstorming and discussion on key components of an ideal school.

2. Group presentation and discussion on the importance of a positive school culture.

3. Designing and presenting blueprints for an ideal school.

4. Interviewing teachers, students, and administrators to identify areas of improvement in existing schools.

5. Developing advocacy plan for improving schools.


• Creativity and effort in designing an ideal school.

• Quality of research and presentation on areas of improvement in existing schools.

• Contributions towards creating a positive school culture.


Through this unit, we hope that students will recognize their roles in shaping the school environment and advocating for positive change. We also aim to provide them with the tools and skills to identify areas of improvement in existing schools and develop solutions for creating better learning environments for all students.


Unit 1 Plan: The Art of Communication

In this unit, we will explore the different ways in which people communicate and the importance of effective communication.

Week 1: Introduction to Communication

Introduction to the concept of communication - its definition, elements, and importance. Discussion about the different forms of communication. Reading and analysis of a case study on how miscommunication can lead to serious consequences.

Week 2: Verbal Communication

Exploration of verbal communication - its features, types, and barriers. Activities that will help students improve their speaking skills, including role-playing, presentations, debates, and discussions. Reading and analysis of a text that showcases the power of words.

Week 3: Nonverbal Communication

Exploration of nonverbal communication - its types, importance, and cultural differences. Activities that will help students recognize and interpret nonverbal cues, such as body language, facial expressions, and eye contact. Group project that involves creating a short film that showcases the importance of nonverbal communication.

Week 4: Written Communication

Exploration of written communication - its types, purposes, and effectiveness. Activities that will help students improve their writing skills, such as writing emails, reports, and essays. Analysis of written texts that showcase the effectiveness of different types of writing.

Week 5: Effective Communication

Consolidation of knowledge gained throughout the unit on effective communication. Activities that will help students recognize and address barriers to communication, such as bias, language barriers, and cultural differences. Role-playing and group discussions that showcase effective communication in real-life situations.

Unit 2 Plan: Environmental Sustainability

In this unit, we will explore the concept of environmental sustainability and its importance in our daily lives.

Week 1: Introduction to Environmental Sustainability

Introduction to the concept of environmental sustainability - its definition, importance, and impact on the environment. Activities that will help students understand the key concepts of environmental sustainability, such as the three Rs, carbon footprint, and greenhouse gases. Reading and analysis of a case study that showcases the impact of environmental sustainability on communities.

Week 2: Energy and Climate Change

Exploration of the key concepts of energy and climate change - their definitions, causes, and effects. Activities that will help students understand the importance of sustainable energy and the effects of climate change. Group project that involves creating a campaign to promote sustainable energy practices.

Week 3: Water Management

Exploration of the key concepts of water management - its importance, uses, and conservation. Activities that will help students understand the importance of water conservation and the impact of water pollution. Group project that involves creating a proposal to conserve water in a local community.

Week 4: Sustainable Food Practices

Exploration of sustainable food practices - their importance, benefits, and impact on the environment. Activities that will help students understand the importance of sustainable food practices and how to make conscious food choices. Analysis of case studies that showcase the benefits of sustainable food practices.

Week 5: Sustainable Communities

Consolidation of knowledge gained throughout the unit on environmental sustainability. Activities that will help students understand the importance of sustainability in creating sustainable communities. Group project that involves creating a proposal for a sustainable community project.

Unit 3 Plan: The Power of Storytelling

In this unit, we will explore the power of storytelling and its impact on individuals and communities.

Week 1: Introduction to Storytelling

Introduction to the concept of storytelling - its definition, importance, and elements. Discussion about the different forms of storytelling, including oral, written, and visual. Reading and analysis of a text that showcases the power of storytelling.

Week 2: The Art of Storytelling

Exploration of the art of storytelling - its features, types, and effectiveness. Activities that will help students improve their storytelling skills, including role-playing, writing, and creating visual narratives. Reading and analysis of a text that showcases the power of storytelling in different contexts.

Week 3: The Impact of Storytelling

Exploration of the impact of storytelling - its ability to affect change, connect communities, and empower individuals. Activities that will help students understand the importance of storytelling and how it can be used to create positive change. Analysis of case studies that showcase the impact of storytelling in different contexts.

Week 4: The Ethics of Storytelling

Exploration of the ethics of storytelling - its responsibility, relevance, and authenticity. Activities that will help students understand the importance of responsible storytelling and the impact of biased or inaccurate narratives. Group project that involves creating a story that addresses a social issue.

Week 5: The Future of Storytelling

Consolidation of knowledge gained throughout the unit on the power of storytelling. Activities that will help students understand the future of storytelling, including emerging technologies and new forms of storytelling. Analysis of case studies that showcase the potential of storytelling to create change in the future.



第一单元:Making Friends


1. 讲解交朋友的技巧,如表达问题,倾听,探索共同之处等等。

2. 比较中西方文化对人际关系的不同看法,比如在中国,朋友之间的亲密程度通常比西方人更深。

3. 给学生一些交友的情境,例如参加活动,找伙伴去旅行等等。


第二单元:The World of Advertising


1. 讲解广告设计的原则,如颜色,字体,排版等等。

2. 介绍广告的心理学原理,如情感诉求,社会认可等等。

3. 帮助学生学会分析广告的内容、目的和受众。


第三单元:Survival Skills


1. 给学生讲解紧急情况下的自救和互救知识,如火灾,地震,恐怖袭击等等。

2. 介绍野外求生的基本技能,如打火,找水源,建立庇护所等等。

3. 组织实践活动,如野外露营,模拟紧急情况等等。


第四单元:Heroes and Heroines


1. 介绍一些真实或虚构的英雄和英雌的故事,如护士陈素贞,超人,神奇女侠等等。

2. 分析英雄的特点,如勇敢,无私等等。

3. 讨论英雄主义在现代社会中的意义和作用。


第五单元:People and Nature


1. 介绍人类活动对环境造成的危害,例如污染,气候变化等等。

2. 讨论保护环境的方法,如节约能源,降低碳排放等等。

3. 协助学生组织一些环保活动,如植树,垃圾分类等等。


第六单元:Community Life


1. 介绍社区的各个组成部分,如学校,图书馆,公园等等。

2. 讨论社区参与的重要性,并介绍一些参与社区的方法,如志愿活动,投票等等。

3. 引导学生了解自己社区的文化传承,如庆祝节日等等。



























第一单元 教学计划




- 一家人正在晚餐时聊天,学生需要听懂他们在谈论什么。

- 一位女性正在介绍她的家人,学生需要听懂她说的话并回答问题。



- 分别介绍自己的家庭,包括家庭成员、家人的职业和他们喜欢做的事情。

- 让学生使用家庭照片展示他们家人的生活习惯和家庭文化。



- 要求学生写一篇关于他们家庭的文章,包括家庭成员、家庭的爱好、自己的职业等。

- 让学生写一封信给远方的亲戚或朋友,向他们介绍自己的家庭。





- 通过角色扮演来模拟家庭日常会话,让学生进行听说练习。

- 让学生一起做家庭相册,通过图片和文字来展示他们的家人和家庭习惯。

第二单元 教学计划




- 一家人在过节时正在庆祝,学生需要听懂他们在用哪些方式庆祝。

- 一位男性在介绍他最喜欢的节日,学生需要听懂他介绍的内容并回答问题。



- 让学生介绍他们最喜欢的节日,以及节日的起源和庆祝方式。

- 让学生组织一个节日庆祝活动,并给其他同学介绍活动的内容和目标。



- 要求学生写一篇关于某个节日的文章,包括节日的起源、庆祝方式及他们自己的体会。

- 让学生写一封信给一个朋友,邀请他一起庆祝某个节日,分享自己的体验和愿望。





- 让学生组织一个小型节日庆祝活动,通过角色扮演和模拟来展示他们对节日的理解和认识。

- 让学生带来某个节日的特色食品或装饰物,通过展示和分享来激发他们的兴趣和好奇心。


第一单元 故事传承





第二单元 知识启蒙





第三单元 奥秘的动物





第四单元 勤奋学习








译林b教材是一本以培养初中生语言运用能力为目标的英语教材,共分为六个单元,分别是Unit 1 Me and My World, Unit 2 Communication, Unit 3 Travel, Unit 4 Fun and Games, Unit 5 My Future, Unit 6 Let's Celebrate。针对不同的主题,我们可以根据教学需求制定相应的教学计划。


一、Unit 1 Me and My World

1. 词汇学习



2. 句型学习



3. 语法学习



4. 四项能力训练





主题范文:Me and My Family

My name is Jack. I am a student. I am 13 years old. I live with my parents and my younger sister. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. They are very busy every day. My sister is only six years old. She is very cute and lovely. She likes playing with dolls and singing songs. I am a sports fan. I usually play basketball and football with my friends after school.

二、Unit 2 Communication

1. 词汇学习



2. 句型学习

1) 学习一些基本的情态动词和它们的用法;

2) 学习被动语态的构成方法。

3. 语法学习

1) 学习一些基本的动词的用法;

2) 学习一些基本的副词及其用法。

4. 四项能力训练

1) 听力:学习听懂日常生活中的简单对话;

2) 口语:练习描述人物、事物、状况等;

3) 阅读:练习阅读一些简单的英语短文;

4) 写作:练习写一些简单的英语日记和应用文。


Communication is very important in our daily life. We need to communicate with others to express our thoughts and feelings. We can communicate in many ways, such as talking, writing and texting. Nowadays, with the development of technology, we can also communicate with people from different countries and regions through the internet.

In order to have effective communication, we need to learn some basic phrases and sentences, understand the use of different tenses and modal verbs and be aware of cultural differences. Practice makes perfect, so we should always try to communicate as much as possible with others to improve our English skills.

三、Unit 3 Travel

1. 词汇学习

1) 学习一些基本的旅游用语和常用词汇;

2) 学习一些关于交通工具、天气、地理位置等的词汇。

2. 句型学习

1) 学习一些表示时间、地点、方向等的常用介词;

2) 学习一些表达旅游经历的句型。

3. 语法学习

1) 学习一些基本的不规则动词及其用法;

2) 学习一些基本的复合句的构成方法及其类型。

4. 四项能力训练

1) 听力:学习听懂关于旅游的简单对话和广播;

2) 口语:练习描述景点、城市、建筑物等;

3) 阅读:练习阅读旅游指南、游记等;

4) 写作:练习写一些简单的旅游日记和介绍景点、城市等的短文。

主题范文:Travel to Beijing

Last summer, I went to Beijing with my family for a vacation. We visited many famous attractions, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace. We also tasted a lot of local food, like Peking roast duck and Jiaozi dumplings. Beijing is a very modern and vibrant city, with a lot of history and culture.

The Great Wall is one of the most impressive sights in China, and it was amazing to see it in person. We walked on the wall for a long time and took a lot of photos. The Forbidden City is another highlight of Beijing. It used to be the palace of the emperor, and the architecture and decoration were very impressive. We learned a lot about the history and culture of China during our trip, and it was a wonderful experience.

四、Unit 4 Fun and Games

1. 词汇学习

1) 学习一些与体育运动、游戏、电子产品等相关的词汇;

2) 学习一些与音乐、艺术等相关的词汇。

2. 句型学习

1) 学习一些表示喜欢和不喜欢的句型;

2) 学习一些表示建议和意见的句型。

3. 语法学习

1) 学习一些基本的连词及其功能;

2) 学习一些特殊疑问句和它们的回答方式。

4. 四项能力训练

1) 听力:学习听懂关于体育运动、音乐、电影等的简单对话和广播;

2) 口语:练习描述体育运动、游戏、电子产品等;

3) 阅读:练习阅读与音乐、艺术、电影等相关的文章和短文;

4) 写作:练习写一些有关兴趣爱好的短文和电子邮件。

主题范文:My Favorite Game

My favorite game is basketball. I started to play basketball when I was six years old, and I fell in love with it immediately. Basketball is a very exciting and challenging sport, and it requires a lot of teamwork and skills. I usually play basketball with my friends after school, and we have a lot of fun.

Basketball is also a great way to keep fit and healthy. It helps me to improve my physical strength and endurance, and it also helps me to relax and relieve stress. I think basketball is not just a game, but also a way of life. It teaches me the values of persistence, discipline and sportsmanship.

五、Unit 5 My Future

1. 词汇学习

1) 学习一些与职业、教育、未来计划等相关的词汇;

2) 学习一些关于科学、技术、环境、文化等的词汇。

2. 句型学习

1) 学习一些表示愿望、计划和意图的句型;

2) 学习一些表达能力、喜好、态度等的句型。

3. 语法学习

1) 学习一些基本的日常英语;

2) 学习一些复杂句的构成方法和用法。

4. 四项能力训练

1) 听力:学习听懂关于职业、未来计划、环境等的简单对话和广播;

2) 口语:练习描述自己的未来计划、兴趣爱好、职业愿望等;

3) 阅读:练习阅读与未来、科学、文化等相关的短文和文章;

4) 写作:练习写一些关于未来计划、职业愿望等的短文和电子邮件。

主题范文:My Dream Job

My dream job is to be a doctor. I have always been interested in medical science and health care, and I want to help people who are suffering from illnesses. I believe that being a doctor is not just a job, but also a noble profession that requires a lot of knowledge, skills and dedication.

To achieve my dream, I need to work hard in my studies and gain a lot of medical knowledge and skills. I also need to learn how to communicate with patients and understand their needs and feelings. I know it will be a challenging journey, but I am willing to do my best to achieve my goal.

六、Unit 6 Let's Celebrate

1. 词汇学习

1) 学习一些与节日、传统、礼仪等相关的词汇;

2) 学习一些与食品、饮料、装饰等相关的词汇。

2. 句型学习

1) 学习一些表示庆祝、祝福、感谢等的句型;

2) 学习一些表达情感、祝愿、建议等的句型。

3. 语法学习

1) 学习一些基本的动词短语及其用法;

2) 学习一些复杂句的构成方法和用法。

4. 四项能力训练

1) 听力:学习听懂关于节日、庆祝活动、礼仪等的简单对话和广播;

2) 口语:练习描述节日、传统、礼仪等;

3) 阅读:练习阅读与节日、传统、装饰等相关的短文和文章;

4) 写作:练习写一些关于节日庆祝和祝福等的短文和电子贺卡。

主题范文:Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is the most important festival in China. It usually falls in late January or early February according to the lunar calendar. It is a time for families to reunite and celebrate together. During the Chinese New Year, people will decorate their houses with red couplets, paper-cuts and lanterns. They will also clean their houses to sweep away bad luck.

The Chinese New Year Eve is the most important night for family reunion. People will have a big dinner with their family, and children will receive red envelopes with money from their elders as a gift. On the first day of the New Year, people will wear new clothes and visit their relatives and friends. They will also eat dumplings, rice cakes and other traditional food.

Chinese New Year is a time for happiness and celebration. It is a time for people to forget their worries and start a new beginning.
