芙蓉134 >地图 >总结 >



时间:2024-10-01 作者:芙蓉134



She was in San Diego the weekend Jensen got killed. Her alibi checked out.(詹森遇害的那个周末她在圣地亚哥~~你对这些句子感兴趣吗?由此,有请你读一下以下的“英语好词好句摘抄(精选56句)”,还请你收藏本页以便后续阅读。

1、Someone would need to pay the 0,000 delinquent tax note at auction.(有人需要在拍卖中支付18万美元的拖欠税款。)

2、Advanced features include audible event triggering and name tag integration.(更为先进的功能有可听的触发事件分析与整合命名标签功能。)

3、There is little tonal variety in his voice.(他的嗓音中几乎没有声调的变化。)

4、The committee refused to attribute blame without further information.(如果没有进一步的情况,委员会拒绝归罪于任何人。)

5、The second auxiliary rule for becoming rich is to pick your education carefully.(致富的第二条辅助规则是要精心地选好所受的教育。)

6、She was determined to avenge herself on the man who had betrayed her.(她决心向那个负心男人报仇。)

7、We now know the age of the glaciation accurately from radiometric dating of the carbon-14 in logs buried in the drift.(我们现在通过测量掩埋在漂流物中木头放射性的碳-14元素,以精确地确定冰川作用的时期。)

8、The main git package contains the git executable and a few auxiliary git applications.(主git包包含git可执行文件和一些辅助git应用程序。)

9、They will attribute positive results to the outside help or even luck.(他们将积极的结果归因于外界的帮助,甚至是运气。)

10、The life of the troops was still comparatively austere.(部队生活相对而言仍然简朴。)

11、His tone became brisk and businesslike.(他的语气变得自信干练而务实。)

12、In the past, worrying about decline has helped us avert that very condition.(在过去,担心衰弱帮助我们改变我们的条件。)

13、Scala distinguishes between a primary constructor and zero or more auxiliary constructors.(Scala可以区分主构造函数和0个或多个辅助构造函数。)

14、The tone in his voice brooked no argument.(他的声音里透露着一种不容争辩的语调。)

15、Single-Leg Kick has been a favorite drill of some of the world's greatest breaststrokers.(单腿蛙泳练习历来是世界级优秀蛙泳选手的最爱。)

16、The researchers used the drill to dig down some 740 meters.(研究人员用钻孔机挖了740米深。)

17、Patience must have degrees.(忍耐须有度。)

18、It is still in most cases closely correlated with educational attainment and career expectations.(在大多数情况下,它仍然与教育程度和职业期望密切相关。)

19、He tended to stutter whenever he spoke to her, which tried her patience.(他一跟她讲话就结巴,这考验了她耐心极限。)

20、Back at the station the chief inspector returned the call.(回到警察局后,督察长回了电话。)

21、The “intelligence” of the system is in the computer, not the capsule.(系统的“情报信息”存于电脑而非芯片中。)

22、To the poor stationarity of bent axle and the big vibration after remodeling, we redesign the bent axle.(针对改型后两缸机平稳性差、振动大的特点,我们对曲轴做了重新设计。)

23、Think about it. You steer with your front axle, and most of the vehicles weight is on the rear.(个中原因在于:你使用前桥来转向,而大部分的车辆重量都压在后面,此时猛踩制动器只会导致更多重量被转移至后桥,这会妨碍你正常转向。)

24、An elegant turn of phrase would not be amiss.(使用切确的转折语。)

25、The first auxiliary constructor accepts a label and a single callback.(第一个辅助构造函数接受一个标签和一个单独的回调函数。)

26、It doesn't augur well for the woman's future.(这个女人的未来很难预料。)

27、Offshore platforms may also lose oil, creating oil slicks that drift ashore and foul the beaches, harming the environment.(近海勘探平台也可能会泄露石油,这样会导致油膜的形成,这些油膜漂流到海岸上而且会污染海滩,从而破坏了环境。)

28、If I die, take good care in bringingup our boy. He has unusual signs and will grow up to avenge me.(我若死,汝好生看养吾儿;吾儿有异相,长大必当与吾报仇也。)

29、Esperanto was invented as an auxiliary language.(世界语是作为辅助语发明的。)

30、What's the drill for claiming expenses?(报销费用的手续是什么?)

31、She hurried on the almond Sundays and.struck the match for the kettle in quite a dashing.(在有杏仁的那些星期日,她总是匆匆赶回家,精神抖擞地划火柴点火烧水。)

32、It's going to be a different reality -a more austere one -when we come out on the other end of this.(当我们到达另一端,更为清苦的一端,现实将会不同。)

33、Biography must to some extent delineate characters.(在某种程度上,传记一定要描述人物。)

34、If you can buy only one case at auction, it should be vintage port.(如果你在拍卖会上只能买一箱酒,那就应该是优质的波尔图葡萄酒。)

35、She was desperately looking for an out.(她在拼命找一条脱身之计。)

36、Another common way is using signal attribute.(另一种常见的方法是使用信号属性。)

37、Since 2006, in France, an unknown gang of thieves have been emptying supermarket safes, using nothing more than a drill and a modified vacuum cleaner.(自2006年起,法国有一个不知名的盗窃团伙专门开超市保险箱,所用的工具只有电钻和改造的真空吸尘器。)

38、Remember, over time, risk-aversion can be more hazardous to your career than error.(记住,随着时间,规避风险比错误对你的职业生涯会更有害。)

39、The breastplate that the data that augur place uses basically is chelonian the bladebone with the ox.(占卜所用的材料主要是龟的腹甲和牛的肩胛骨。)

40、One recent study attempted to calculate the extent of this "ecological overshoot of the human economy".(最近的一项研究试图对这种“人类经济的生态透支”的程度进行计算。)

41、But the cult of the authentic and the personal, "doing our own thing", has spelt the death of formal speech, writing, poetry and music.(但是,对真实和个人的崇拜,和对“做我们自己的事”的追求,已经导致了正式演讲、写作、诗歌和音乐的消亡。)

42、Add the attribute to collection.(向集合添加属性。)

43、The track features Joey Langton on percussion.(唱片的这段乐曲是乔伊•兰顿演奏的打击乐。)

44、Said his father, his rugged face shining in the ardour of self - abnegation.(他的父亲问,在他满是皱纹的脸上,闪耀着自我克制的热情。)

45、The controller sends signals to the power source to move the robot arm to a specific position and to actuate the end effectors.(控制器负责发送信号给动力源并驱使机器人手到达准确的位置,激活终端操作机构的运行。)

46、Entitled "Can Twitter Make You Amoral?"(题为“碎碎念会使你变得不道德吗?”)

47、Another really interesting museum actually in D.C. is the Spy Museum.(华盛顿特区另一个非常有趣的博物馆是间谍博物馆。)

48、Velzquez's work from that time forward was confined largely to portraits of the royal family.(从那以后,委拉斯开兹的作品就很大程度上仅限于王室的肖像画了。)

49、Rennard had to hire an attorney.(雷纳德只得雇了律师。)

50、He will not fall without a fight, as the boxers he used to SPAR with will attest.(他将不会不战而退,这一点他过去练习击打的拳击手们可以证明。)

51、ne of those things is a given anymore in communities where college-degree attainment is low.(在大学程度人群所占比例比较低的社区中,上述特点是看不到的。)

52、Everybody looks agape, also forget even timekeeper press stopwatch.(大家都看得目瞪口呆,连计时员也忘记按下秒表了。)

53、We tried to throw a life buoy. She could not grab it.(我们试着扔救生圈给她,但是她抓不住。)

54、could always find faces in the intricate patterns; austere, unforgiving, cruel.(我在那些错综复杂的纹路中总能看见不同的面孔,严厉的、不可宽恕的、残忍的。)

55、The attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.(获得财富、地位、荣誉等。)

56、She was in San Diego the weekend Jensen got killed. Her alibi checked out.(詹森遇害的那个周末她在圣地亚哥。她不在现场的申辩成立。)
