芙蓉134 >地图 >总结 >



时间:2024-09-15 作者:芙蓉134



As I read the section about the information of Anne's where abouts after leaving the Annex~~你对这种风格的短句感兴趣吗?为满足你的需求,我们特地编辑了“英语好句好词(精选52句)”,相信你能从本文中找到需要的内容。


1、The net profit amounts to 20 dollars per ton of ore.(每吨矿砂的净利达20美元。)

2、he transferred to Germany, the traitor.(B:他转会去德国了,这个叛徒。)

3、After I explained to Juan that yes, we did have a moon and yes, it was very similar to his, I felt a sort of awe at the possibilities that existed in his world.(当我向胡安解释说,是的,我们确实有一个月亮,是的,它和他的月亮非常相似,我对他的世界里存在的可能性感到一种敬畏。)

4、Analysts say the biggest problem is high unemployment, which weakens demand and makes banks reluctant to lend.(分析人士说,最大的问题是高失业率,这削弱了需求,并使银行不愿放贷。)

5、The town band led off by playing the national anthem .(市乐队以国歌开始他们的演奏。)

6、That was a frightful January.(那是个令人讨厌的一月份。)

7、From today's vantage point, the 1987 crash seems just a blip in the upward progress of the market.(从今天的观点来看,1987年的暴跌似乎只是市场上扬进程中一次短暂的下挫。)

8、Happily, the older and more continental view of legal education is establishing itself in a number of Canadian universities and some have even begun to offer undergraduate degrees in law.(令人高兴的是,更古老和欧化的法律教育观点正在一些加拿大大学中逐渐确立,一些大学甚至已经开始提供法学本科学位。)

9、The crowd was dazzled by the spectacle.(人群被这一奇观弄得眼花缭乱。)

10、My father was unable to talk about the war, it was so frightful.(我父亲没法谈论那次战争,那太可怕了。)

11、The doctor murmured inarticulately, gave a long gasp or two and was still.(医生口齿不清地咕哝着,长吁了一两口气,然后就不动了。)

12、El Salvador produces 100,000 tons of refined copper annually.(萨尔瓦多一年生产10万吨精炼铜。)

13、They anticipate moving to bigger premises by the end of the year.(他们预期年底前迁入较大的经营场址。)

14、She explains how she deals with on-air technical problems.(她解释了她是如何处理播放中的技术问题的。)

15、The circadian rhythm in mammals is regulated by two clusters of nerve cells called the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) in the anterior hypothalamus.(哺乳动物中调节昼夜节律的是两个调节神经细胞群,称为视交叉上核中的下丘脑。)

16、Everybody was talking, and intent upon the grisly spectacle before them.(每个人都在说话,只关注眼前的可怕的场景。)

17、The national anthem, flag!(奏国歌、升国旗!)


18、different interpretation is possible when the actual amount of information acquired by the user is taken into account.(如果考虑用户实际获得的信息量,可能会有不同的解释。)

19、It has long been known that a taxi firm called AAAA cars has a big advantage over Zodiac cars when customers thumb through their phone directories.(人们早就知道,当顾客翻阅电话簿时,AAAA汽车公司比Zodiac汽车公司有很大的优势。)

20、The anterior cingulate cortex was activated considerably more in the former than in the latter.(研究显示,前者的大脑前扣带回皮层比后者要活跃的多。)

21、To please you I will change, and give you my fine fat pig for the cow.(为了让你满意,我愿意交换,用我的肥猪换奶牛。)

22、At any given magnification, the larger the aperture, the brighter and sharper the image will be.(对于任何放大率的望远镜,孔径越大,其成像亮度越高,成像边缘越锋利。)

23、This is the credibility process, through which the individual researcher's me, here, now becomes the community's anyone, anywhere, anytime.(这就是取得公信力的过程,通过这个过程,个体研究者的我、此处、此时此刻变成了社会上的任何人、任何地方、任何时间。)

24、Anna Christie was a born aristocrat.(安娜·克里斯蒂是个天生的贵族。)

25、Iron casts better than copper.(铁比铜容易铸型。)

26、Try not to arouse his suspicion.(想办法不要让他起疑心。)

27、have a black cap.(我有一顶黑色的帽子。)

28、In the past, the awning was mainly made of cotton or canvas, so it could not stand the influence of outdoor environment and other factors.(过去的遮阳篷主要是棉质的或帆布质的,所以经不起室外环境等因素的影响,没有经久耐用的特性。)

29、Cardioembolism is more frequently located in the anterior circulation.(与小动脉闭塞型相比,心源性栓塞多发生在前循环。)

30、The serratus anterior is an important scapular stabilizer.(前锯肌是重要的肩胛骨稳定肌。)

31、The little pupil took his grandma by the arm and walked her across the street.(小学生拉着奶奶的胳膊,带她过了马路。)

32、Criticism tends to undermine and constrain the artist's creativity.(批评家总是削弱和限制艺术家的创造力。)

33、Below these awning, there is a car park, an indoor athletics, baseball and cricket facility.(在这些遮阳篷下方,有一个停车场和室内田径、棒球、板球设施。)

34、Wavefront analysis and Scheimpflug imagery are very important in diagnosis of anterior lenticonus.(波前分析和沙氏图像在前圆锥形晶状体的诊断中非常重要。)


35、w you can instruct JAXB to spit the in-memory representation back out to XML.(现在可以要求JAXB把内存中的表示再返回到XML。)

36、Photo 305: Awning at high structure channel.(图305:高架人行平台的遮阳棚。)

37、They went into town to indulge in some serious shopping.(他们进城去大肆购物。)

38、Maybe you pride yourselves on only sleeping a few hours a night.(也许你以每晚只睡几个小时而自豪。)

39、She cherished a frightful memory of her life; one day, a man had beheld her garter.(在一生中她有件想到就害怕的往事,一天,有个男人看见了她的吊袜带。)

40、Ye paltry cowards, and arm yourselves and guard the doors, whilst I send one to fetch the watch!(你们这些没用的懦夫,武装起来,守住那些门,我派一个人去叫卫兵!)

41、Yale and Harvard have led the way, offering every undergraduate at least one international study or internship opportunity—and providing the financial resources to make it possible.(耶鲁和哈佛在这方面起了带头作用,它们为每个本科生提供至少一个跨国实习或学习的机会,并为其提供资金支持。)

42、She's holding a doll.(她正抱着一个娃娃。)

43、These chopsticks are beautiful!(这些筷子真漂亮!)

44、In response, some movie theaters offered — gasp — an airpopped alternative.(作为回应,一些电影院供应gasp,一种空气爆米花备选。)

45、Which of the climbing legends (there are so many) would you put on the pedestal, why?(攀岩圈里的传奇人物那么多,有没有你特别崇拜的?为什么?)

46、But it certainly appears safe to keep drinking that delicious, aromatic, pick-me-up cup or two of coffee each day.(但继续喝那些美味的,芳香的提神饮料或者每天两杯咖啡看起来当然是安全的。)

47、He'll come to a sticky end one of these days if he carries on like that.(如果他继续这样,将来不久会落得个可悲的下场。)

48、He took a keen interest in his grandson's education.(他对孙子的教育很感兴趣。)

49、certainly serve customers with a smile. Sometimes they just might hear me gasp as well!(我当然是微笑着为顾客服务的。有时他们可能也会听到我喘气!)

50、As if just riding a unicycle didn't look funny enough, add mallets and balls and you've got a truly wacky spectacle.(就好像仅仅骑独轮车看起来还不够滑稽一样,加上木槌和球,你就得到了一个真正古怪的景象。)

51、Injury to the anterior chamber that disrupts the vasculature supporting the iris or ciliary body results in a hyphema.(眼前房的损伤可破坏支持虹膜及睫状体的血管结构从而引起前房积血。)

52、As I read the section about the information of Anne's where abouts after leaving the Annex, I could not help but cry.(当我读到安妮在考虑离开附楼该去哪儿住的时候,我不禁流下眼泪。)
