芙蓉134 >地图 >总结 >



时间:2024-09-07 作者:芙蓉134



“I'll wake Carl up.(我会叫醒卡尔的。)。”句子是由词、词组构成的,现在句子在很多场合都有着不可替代的位置。在这里编辑为大家整理了一份涵盖多种金融投资方式的信息,请仔细研究本文中所列举的附录和参考文献!


1、She gave him a pinch on the arm to wake him up.(她拧一下他的胳膊把他唤醒。)

2、Those balls aren't theirs.(那些球不是他们的。)

3、Many French people try to avoid Anglicisms such as 'weekend' and 'shopping'.(很多法国人尽量避免使用weekend和shopping之类的英式用语。)

4、He picked his cap up from the floor and stuck it back on his head.(他从地板上捡起帽子,重新戴在头上。)

5、French: Where'd you go on holiday ?(法式开场白:你假期去哪了?)

6、I'll wake Carl up.(我会叫醒卡尔的。)

7、Grapefruit juice can raise the level of some medications in the blood.(葡萄柚汁能提升一些药物在血液中的效力。)

8、The chickens gathered under the hen.(小鸡聚集在母鸡翅膀下面。)

9、have to go shopping this afternoon.(我今天下午得去商店买东西。)

10、The cat plays with tissue.(猫咪玩着纸巾。)

11、The pheasant is a close relative of the guinea hen.(这种雉鸡和这种珍珠鸡是亲缘物种。)

12、Wake up! It's eight o'clock.(醒醒吧!已经八点钟了。)

13、In 1912 women's events were added, and the modern Olympic programme began to take shape.(1912年增加了女子项目,现代奥林匹克运动会开始初具雏形。)

14、Read the dialogue, please.(请读对话。)

15、avoid grapefruit juice because my doctor says it affects how my body handles the Lipitor I take for my cholesterol. Should I also stay away from pomelo?(我避开葡萄柚汁,因为我的医生说它影响我的身体处理胆固醇含量的立普妥。我是否也应该远离柚子?)


16、Do we or do we not go on holiday?(我们是去度假还是不去?)

17、Hop on a heart-stopping ride, amuse yourself in the theme parks.(跳入一段惊心动魄的旅程,在主题公园里享受自我。)

18、'He's over there,' said Ali, waving a hand towards some trees.(“他在那儿。”阿里说着朝几棵树挥了挥手。)

19、My peach pit is inside it, too.(我的桃核也在里面呢。)

20、She looked out of the window.(她向窗外看去。)

21、w I see my boy. He sees me too. Woof! Woof! I tell my boy he must not get lost again.(现在,我看到了小男孩。他也看到了我。汪!汪!我告诉小男孩:你不要再迷路了。)

22、want a grapefruit.(我想要一个西柚。)

23、opened a shuttered window.(我打开了一扇已经合上百叶窗的窗户。)

24、Indoor and outdoor living at its best.(最佳室内和室外生活。)

25、"I will take great care," said Little Red-Cap to her mother.(“我会小心的。”小红帽对妈妈说。)

26、like the sunshine, adventures and my friends.(我喜爱阳光、冒险和我的朋友们。)

27、cow hates making friends with other cows.(一头奶牛讨厌和其他牛交朋友。)

28、have an orange and a grapefruit.(我有一个橙子和一个葡萄柚。)

29、Outside the window it rains heavily. The raindrop falls on the rain board, it gives out clear sound.(窗外似乎永远是下着的雨,这雨一滴一滴的打在雨棚上,声音是如此的清脆。)

30、Safe alternatives: watermelon, tangerines, oranges and grapefruit.(安全的替代品:西瓜,桔子,橙和葡萄柚。)
