芙蓉134 >地图 >总结 >



时间:2024-08-01 作者:芙蓉134





1、Medical supplies are being dropped into the stricken area.(正在向灾区空投医药用品。)

2、This has led some of them to falsify research results and plagiarize the work of others.(这势必导致他们其中的一些人伪造研究成果和剽窃他人的著作。)

3、Ford has changed since then.(自从那以后,福特有了变化。)

4、Fosse directed five feature films.(福斯导演了五部故事片。)

5、In one case Intel is said to have paid a retailer to forgo AMD chips altogether.(在一个案例中英特尔被认为给了一家零售商钱,让他不要使用AMD的芯片。)

6、Fumigate the center received more than 30 telephone counselling.(熏该中心就接到咨询电话30多个。)

7、It reveals greed, ambition, ignorance, folly, suffering and forbearance, all washed with an essential nobility of spirit.(那里有贪欲,有野心,有无知,有荒谬,有苦难,有克制……夹同骨子里来的贵族气一起终被涤荡干净。)

8、Enterprises with foresight should give top priority to training.(有眼光的企业应该把培训放在重要位置。)

9、The couple had the foresight to plan their retirement wisely.(他们夫妇很有远见,精心安排了退休后的生活。)

10、It is also interesting to see how that Neolithic-age fresco is in compliance with today's architectural trends.(同时,一探究竟,看看新石器时代的壁画是如何与现今的建筑发展趋势相契合的?也将非常有趣。)

11、Full of high - spirited fun; frisky and playful.(嬉闹的充满乐趣的;乐趣的;顽皮的。)

12、That the problem of free will and foreknowledge puts us in.(关于自由意志和先知的问题把我们套了进去。)

13、This focusing is the main reason that even relatively weak sounds in the ocean, especially low-frequency ones, can often travel thousands of miles.(海洋中即使是相对微弱的声音,尤其是低频声音,也能传播数千英里的主要原因就是这种聚焦。)

14、Take the lime tree - a native breed to Europe, they hold some pretty powerful sway in national folklore.(以欧洲的土生土长的菩提树为例,它们在国家的民间风俗上保持着深远的影响。)

15、The "Glee" overnight sensation is a guest on Friday's "Piers Morgan Tonight."(凭借《欢乐合唱团》一夜成名的柯尔弗做客周五播出的《皮尔斯•摩根今夜秀》。)

16、There are few people who welcomed the invention of automatic spell-check with more glee than I.(不会有人比我对自动检测拼写发明更加高兴了。)

17、was a freckle-faced five-year-old on my grandmother's back porch in Lawrence, Kansas, when I first encountered a hummingbird.(我首次碰见蜂鸟是在家在堪萨斯州劳伦斯镇的祖母的后走廊里,那时的我是一个脸上生有雀斑的五岁小孩。)

18、The meta-analysis suggested that 14% of researchers in the underlying studies had seen their colleagues fabricate, falsify, alter or modify data.(元分析结果显示,从事基础研究的人员中,有14%曾见过自己的同事杜撰、伪造、改动或修改数据。)

19、FAG has companies, subsidiaries and sales agencies in all major industrial countries.(在世界主要工业国家,都有FAG的公司、分支机构和销售代理。)

20、Don't get me wrong, I am not against globalization, just confused about what Mia Farrow says.(别误解,我不反对全球化,我只是对米娅·法罗所说的感到困惑。)

21、Integrated airborne night vision goggle is a typical and very complex airborne optical system.(综合机载微光夜视镜是一种比较复杂的、典型的机载光电系统。)

22、Restrain the formation of melanin, reduce sunburn, black spots and freckle, and prevent the loss of moisture.(能抑制麦拉宁色素的形成,减轻晒斑、黑斑、雀斑,防止水份流失。)

23、The paper reappeared again in front of me, but new corrections made me goggle.(稿纸再一次出现在我面前,但新的改动让我傻了眼。)


24、People came to it in finery and carriages to see.(到这里来看戏的,都是衣着华丽、马车接送的人。)

25、It's too much of a fag to go out.(外出活动真叫人吃不消。)

26、This is a masterpiece in fresco.(这是一幅壁画法的杰作。)

27、LOOK at the genome of a sea squirt and you'll get a nasty surprise.(看一看海鞘的基因组,你会感到讨厌和惊奇。)

28、Grief-stricken, I fell into a deep depression.(我悲痛欲绝,陷入了深度抑郁。)

29、Often Marie-José will forgo dinner to give her children more.(玛丽·何塞经常不吃晚饭好让孩子们多吃点儿。)

30、That may be an ideal one shouldn't glorify too much.(我们不该过分美化这个想法。)

31、It is the same taste for us. Have some more fish fillet.(看来咱俩的口味相同。再给你来点鱼片。)

32、Feeling grumpy, tired, annoyed, stressed, frustrated or simply flat?(感到生气,疲倦,烦躁,压抑,沮丧或仅仅是枯燥乏味吗?)

33、Passenger: And then let' s see all the cabins, first class, second class, steerage, the lounge, the restaurant, the bar, and the cinema hall.(然后让我们参观一下所有的船舱,一等舱,二等舱,普通舱,休息室、餐厅、酒吧和电影院大厅。)

34、One day betenoire will be just a frisky dog or a flighty horse, an enjoyable and loyal companion, only occasionally causing a slight pain in the neck.(有一天,你的“可怕之处”将只是一条欢闹小狗,或一匹轻浮的马,一位愉快和忠实的伴侣,只会在偶尔才引起的脖子上轻微疼痛。)

35、Steve was still in his firebrand phase. He scared the timber folks and made them mad.(史蒂夫在当时还处于火爆脾气的阶段,他把伐木工人吓唬了一顿,让他们大为气恼。)

36、Photographs of Gana, looking stricken and inconsolable, attracted crowds to the zoo.(加娜的照片看起来饱受疾病折磨,悲痛欲绝,使很多人来到动物园。)

37、He swore fealty to his motherland.(他宣誓效忠祖国。)

38、The current national poster child is a tiny, freckle-faced redhead.(现在的那个全国广告代言人个头不高,红头发,脸上有雀斑。)

39、More important than Miss Ha’s glee are the health benefits of a good water supply.(比起Ha小姐的高兴来说,更重要的是因有优质自来水供应所带来的健康价值。)

40、However, when locals dry wolfberry and honeysuckle, they mostly fumigate them with sulfur in order to make them look bright in color.(不过人们在晾晒枸杞、银花时,为了使其色泽鲜艳,大都采用硫磺熏蒸。)

41、It all starts with the vision that you glorify in your mind.(一切都始于你心目中美好的想象。)

42、So they made ready with speed, and in great glee started off on foot to visit their mothers.(于是,她们迅速做好准备,兴高采烈地步行去探望母亲。)

43、They're negotiating a tie-up with Ford.(他们正在与福特公司洽谈合作事宜。)

44、Dongzhangwu floodgate project locates on the flabby base, so the stakes with concrete are used to deal with the base.(东张务防洪闸工程位于软弱地基上,所以采用粉喷桩对地基进行处理。)

45、He stopped with a squeal of brakes.(他嘎的一声把车刹住了。)

46、Token review - Doing the review as a formality just because the management intends to get it done.(令箭式复查——将复查活动形式化,只因为是管理层打算这样做。)
