芙蓉134 >地图 >总结 >



时间:2024-08-01 作者:芙蓉134



Unless we build on their strengths, we will forgo the most powerful force for implementati~~你对类似的句子感兴趣吗?你不妨看看英语好句子摘抄(精选45条),供您参考,并请收藏本页!


1、The utility model relates to an oil squirt can, which is an improvement of the existing oil squirt can and has the advantage that the amount of the used oil can be controlled when in use.(喷油壶涉及一种喷油壶结构的改进。本实用新型就是提供一种在使用过程中对用油多少可进行控制的喷油壶。)

2、Dark clouds foreshadow a storm.(乌云预示暴风雨。)

3、Yes. Let me have a cheeseburger, a fillet-o-fish, two medium cokes, and one large fries.(是的。给我一个起司堡、一个麦香鱼堡、两杯中杯可乐和一份大薯条。)

4、It is in the yellow and black waves that a red jacket is so striking and finery that it could catch my eyeballs tightly.(不过,就是在这一片黄色与黑色相间的海洋中,一件色彩鲜艳格外醒目的红衬衫却紧紧地吸引住了我的眼球。)

5、"I just felt very diminished," Kearns says. "It's like you're a nothing, you're a gnat."(“我只是觉得我受到了严重忽视”,卡恩斯说,“就好象你什么都不是,只是个小虫子。”)

6、He doesn't wake up grumpy.(他不会坏脾气地醒来。)

7、Can you give me a fag?(你能给我只烟吗?)

8、Don't take advantage of the greenhorn.(不要占那新手的便宜吧。)

9、"What?" said Ford.(“什么?”福特说。)

10、Cockpits are night vision goggle compatible.(驾驶舱有夜视镜兼容。)

11、Here are six ways we glorify God through pursuing intimacy with our spouse.(通过同我们的配偶追求亲密来颂扬赞美上帝,这里有六条路(待续)。)

12、was a freckle-faced five-year-old on my grandmother's back porch in Lawrence, Kansas, when I first encountered a hummingbird.(我首次碰见蜂鸟是在家在堪萨斯州劳伦斯镇的祖母的后走廊里,那时的我是一个脸上生有雀斑的五岁小孩。)

13、There are few people who welcomed the invention of automatic spell-check with more glee than I.(不会有人比我对自动检测拼写发明更加高兴了。)

14、Photographs of Gana, looking stricken and inconsolable, attracted crowds to the zoo.(加娜的照片看起来饱受疾病折磨,悲痛欲绝,使很多人来到动物园。)

15、The kindest animal is you, Mother Kangaroo. Even when you were worried about your Joey, you were still kind to a grumpy complaining old wombat.(最善良的动物就是你,袋鼠妈妈。即使你在很担心你的乔伊的情况下,还是对一只爱发牢骚的坏脾气老袋熊这么好。)

16、Often Marie-José will forgo dinner to give her children more.(玛丽·何塞经常不吃晚饭好让孩子们多吃点儿。)

17、Token review - Doing the review as a formality just because the management intends to get it done.(令箭式复查——将复查活动形式化,只因为是管理层打算这样做。)

18、Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.(当时就有声音从天上来说,我已经荣耀了我的名,还要再荣耀。)

19、On this trip, I went native, stayed in the shade, and returned home delighted not to have gained a single freckle.(在这次旅行中,我成了本地人,躲在阴凉的地方,回到家里的时候很高兴地发现自己没有增加一块色斑。)

20、Forgo synchronization and use a static field.(放弃同步,而使用一个static字段。)

21、This focusing is the main reason that even relatively weak sounds in the ocean, especially low-frequency ones, can often travel thousands of miles.(海洋中即使是相对微弱的声音,尤其是低频声音,也能传播数千英里的主要原因就是这种聚焦。)

22、It's a formality which we have to go through.(它是我们必须办理的一项手续。)

23、It's too much of a fag to go out.(外出活动真叫人吃不消。)


24、Ford has changed since then.(自从那以后,福特有了变化。)

25、Passenger: And then let' s see all the cabins, first class, second class, steerage, the lounge, the restaurant, the bar, and the cinema hall.(然后让我们参观一下所有的船舱,一等舱,二等舱,普通舱,休息室、餐厅、酒吧和电影院大厅。)

26、She had written it for the single gratis copy of the book that an author was entitled to.(她写这本书就是为了作者有权得到的那本免费样书。)

27、This fresco is typical of the painter's early manner.(这幅壁画法是这个画家典型的早期风格。)

28、More important than Miss Ha’s glee are the health benefits of a good water supply.(比起Ha小姐的高兴来说,更重要的是因有优质自来水供应所带来的健康价值。)

29、I'm not sure this one is really enjoying wearing his party hat. He looks a bit grumpy.(我不敢肯定,这头白鲸是不是真的喜欢它头顶上戴的那顶圣诞帽。它看上去好像有点脾气暴躁。)

30、Nannied by the world's most generous welfare systems, they squeal like spoiled children when asked to give up a few of their toys.(他们被世界上最慷慨的福利制度下养育,而当要求放弃一些玩具时,他们就像被宠坏的孩子一样尖叫着。)

31、can safely say that on the days when I lose a lot of sleep, I am a very grumpy and unapproachable individual.(我可以有把握地说,在我睡眠不足的日子里,我是一个脾气暴躁、难以接近的人。)

32、LOOK at the genome of a sea squirt and you'll get a nasty surprise.(看一看海鞘的基因组,你会感到讨厌和惊奇。)

33、I've got to tidy my room. What a fag!(我得整理自己的房间。真是累人的事。)

34、Fosse directed five feature films.(福斯导演了五部故事片。)

35、The result is the definition for the finery symbol is made, and the full condition of the finery symbolism is pointed out.(分析结果是为服装符号做出定义,并指出服装符号化的充分条件。)

36、Ford will soon introduce an update of its Taurus sedan, as well as some new small cars.(福特将很快推出其金牛座轿车的升级版,以及一些新款小型车。)

37、The "Glee" overnight sensation is a guest on Friday's "Piers Morgan Tonight."(凭借《欢乐合唱团》一夜成名的柯尔弗做客周五播出的《皮尔斯•摩根今夜秀》。)

38、And a Fresco Crunchy Taco has 150 calories, 7 grams of fat and 7 grams of protein.(而一个弗莱斯科松脆玉米饼则有150卡路里热量、7克脂肪及7克蛋白质。)

39、Let the little scumbag squeal. It's what he's good at, isn't it? Squeal!(让这个混蛋继续叫吧。他擅长这个,不是吗?叫吧!)

40、To precede as an indication of what is to follow; foreshadow.(预先对即将发生之事进行暗示;预示。)

41、One day betenoire will be just a frisky dog or a flighty horse, an enjoyable and loyal companion, only occasionally causing a slight pain in the neck.(有一天,你的“可怕之处”将只是一条欢闹小狗,或一匹轻浮的马,一位愉快和忠实的伴侣,只会在偶尔才引起的脖子上轻微疼痛。)

42、He already knows he has the job so the interview is a mere formality.(他已知道得到了这个工作,所以面试仅仅是走走过场。)

43、The meta-analysis suggested that 14% of researchers in the underlying studies had seen their colleagues fabricate, falsify, alter or modify data.(元分析结果显示,从事基础研究的人员中,有14%曾见过自己的同事杜撰、伪造、改动或修改数据。)

44、Feeling grumpy, tired, annoyed, stressed, frustrated or simply flat?(感到生气,疲倦,烦躁,压抑,沮丧或仅仅是枯燥乏味吗?)

45、Unless we build on their strengths, we will forgo the most powerful force for implementation.(如果我们不依靠他们的力量,我们就会丧失推动实施的最强大的动力。)
