芙蓉134 >地图 >摘抄 >



时间:2024-07-06 作者:芙蓉134



allowed 32. regret; inform。读句子可以了解分享者的心情、观点和想法,在以社交互动为主导的时代,很多简短优质的句子基本都是随处可见。你是会分享什么句子?无论你对“英语好词好句摘抄大全带翻译高中”有任何困惑下面的解答都会给你答案,希望这些句子能给您学习带来一定的启发!

1、punish v.---_____(n.) 8、true adj. ---_____(adv.)

2、The company has advertised for some Information Technology experts recently.

3、The film made by a Chinese famous director, Feng Xiaogang, was set in Chinese Kungfu.

4、Walking and riding your bike count, and ________________(学校运动也有效)

5、allowed 32. regret; inform

6、The students are making p________ for the coming final exams.

7、We have experienced/undergone (经历) a lot of changes in the past few years.

8、He was brave enough. He ___________ (冒险) losing his job to raise objections.

9、He was so generous that he d_________ a lot of money to the flooded area.

10、His words were deeply impressed on her mind.

11、I was so tired and wondered whether or not I could get to my destination (目的地) in time.

12、There is no need for ceremony between friends.朋友之间不必拘礼。

13、approve 22. charge 23.broadcasting 24. preparations 25. required; selected

14、Please look after my house during my _absence (不在).

15、Recently the possibility that lack of sleep might put on weight has been suggested (建议)by some scientific research.

16、make a bit of difference

17、We are reading a book _______ ______ there are a lot of mistakes

18、This kind of film is suitable( 适合的) for both children and a_________.

19、The room was in quite a m_________ when mother was away on holiday .

20、In order to lose w____________, you’d better take more e____________.


22、The movement (运动)towards greater freedom for women still has a long way to go.

23、The dictionary _____ ______ so many pages are missing is useless .

24、We should d_________ blood to those who are injured in the earthquake.

25、In order to finish the report, the secretary had to work e______ hours after work



28、Are you sometimes confused by the difficult problems?

29、The air here is dry. Leave the door open for a while.
