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时间:2024-05-24 作者:芙蓉134



No one can replace you.没有人能取代你。芙蓉134小编在这里整理了“英语好词好句摘抄大全带翻译”希望能够为你带来方便,大家可以转发一些有趣的段子或文学作品中的句子。句子常常被用来传递一些不便明说的想法,你收到过哪些有趣的句子呢?

1、no one can take your place in my heart没有人能代替你在我心中的位置

2、The worst betrayals always come from the ones we trust the most.

3、Dinosaurs lived on the earth for more than 150 million years.

4、You won't find something important until you have lost it.

5、How to convert freedom and loneliness, I walk alone in the street looking at the sky, can not find the answer.

6、It is because of heart bottom touch that empty, so he just so painful.

7、Even though he is no longer alive, his spirit lives on.

8、At no stage a comeback love your courage.

9、When I got to the checkout.I realized (that) I had left my wallet/purse at home

10、My father used to be a basketball player, but now he's a coach.

11、Without you, even if you give the world to me, I have nothing.

12、I have no trouble,just a sense of security is too weak。

13、I am not proud, also not commit tomfoolery, is tired of all depend on

14、I‘m stuck between trying to live my life, and trying to run from it.

15、He is proud of finishing such hard work in an hour.

16、Life is like a multiple choice question。Sometimes,thechoices confuse you,not the question itself!

17、If you can't understand the text, you may ask your teacher for help.

18、The lonely youth, I only for you.

19、No one can replace you.没有人能取代你。

20、Don't laugh at those who are in trouble.
