芙蓉134 >地图 >总结 >



时间:2024-05-07 作者:芙蓉134



Do you often go to a concert? 你经常去听音乐会吗?~~你喜欢这种文案吗?考虑到你的需求,芙蓉134的编辑特意整理了“英语初中作文好词好句精选”,或许你能从中找到需要的内容。

1、There are many training classes and night classes 有许多培训班与夜校。



4、You did fairly well!

5、I am old enough to make up my own mind 我已经长大了,可以自己拿主意了。

6、Let’s put our boat out of the water 让我们把船从水里拖上来。

7、You have to apply for a passport in advance 你必须提前申请护照。


9、They couldn't catch the train because of the heavy traffic. The heavy traffic _____ them from _____ the train.

10、She is sick of watching boxing 她厌恶观看拳击。

11、If you want to be thinner and healthier, you have to eat less food and take more exercise如果你想减肥想更健康点的话,那你就必须少吃食物多锻炼。

12、Never let yourself be another person’s option。You are worth so much more。Believe that!绝不做别人的备选项,一定要相信,你的价值远不止如此。

13、Yes, she lives just across the street 是的,她就住在街对面。

14、How did you spend your holiday? 你假期怎么过的?

15、他经常帮助我学习英语。He often helps me with my English

16、影响(威胁到我 们的健康)。其次,它影响我们的效率,让我们无法集中精 力在工作和学习上。再次,它影响了我们和他人交际的能力。(这里只有 主题+观点123,没有支撑的部分,大家自己 酌情补充)*may cause a series of problems. *may give rise to a series of unpleasant / undesirable consequences. First, it has an extremely negative effect on our health, both physical and mental.(threaten ) Second,

17、种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。Grow and grow, and grow beans

18、You’d better catch a bus 你最好去坐车。

19、别瞒着我事实真相。Don't keep the truth from me


21、王先生对我们非常友好。Mr Wang is very friendly to us

22、Let^v^s cross the bridge when we come to it.

23、He can take good care of your babies 他能很好地照料你们的孩子。


25、What column do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个栏目?

26、The water truck was stranded 水罐车误住了。


28、Churchill, British politician)我能奉献的没有其它,只有热血辛劳眼泪与汗水。(英国政治家 丘吉尔W)

29、愚蠢的人总是为昨天悔恨,为明天祈祷,可惜的是少了今天的努力。A fool always regrets for yesterday and prays for tomorrow

30、On the other hand of this / the argument.但是从另一方面想。

31、I am working hard on my exams 我在努力应对考试。

32、世上无难事,只要肯登攀。Nothing is impossible to a willing man

33、不要让追求之舟停泊在幻想的港湾,而应扬起奋斗的风帆,驶向现实生活的大海。Do not let the boat of pursuit anchor in the harbor of fantasy, but should raise the sails of struggle, sail to the sea of real life

34、This is the most interesting film I have ever seen. I have ____seen _____ an interesting film before.

35、There’s too much static 干扰太大。

36、What kind of newspapers do you read? 你读什么样的报纸?

37、Between the cup and the lip a morsel may slip 功亏一篑。

38、Would you like to come along? 你想一起去吗?

39、g young people 在家长中间 among parents尤其是白领和大学生 especially white collars andcollege students数据支撑:根据最新的一个调查 According to alatest survey根据一个最新的在1000名大学生中所做的调查According to a latest survey of 1000 college students相关数据显示:Related statistics show that .举例支撑:XXX涵盖了很多方面,从到It covers a lot of aspects ranging from

40、Can this radio receive short-wave? 这个收音机能收短波吗?

41、Children enter primary school at the age of 孩子们岁进小学。

42、在短暂的休息后,他继续读书。After a short rest, he went on reading

43、Stop worrying so much。Worry will not strip tomorrow of its burdens,it will strip today of its joy。不要杞人忧天,烦恼并不会减少明天的负担,却会失去今天的快乐。

44、When the cat's awaythe mice will play阎王不在,小鬼跳梁

45、They had expected me to go with them 他们原本希望我和他们一起去。

46、I''m doing great我过得很好。

47、Not at all 一点儿也不。

48、Look before you leapFirst think ,then act学无坦途。

49、The man who has made up his mind to win will never say ”impossible “ (Bonaparte Napoleon ,French emperor )凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说”不可能的“。( 法国皇帝 拿破仑 B)


51、There was a lot of news in the morning paper today 今天的晨报上有许多新闻。

52、Traveler’s checks are very convenient for long-distance travel 旅行支票对于长途旅行很方便。

53、to .其他备用表达:各种各样的,a variety of , adiversity of 一系列,a series of丰富大量的,anabundance of 包含很多方面,aspects 领域fields 给人 们提供了很多方便和娱乐provide a lot of convenienceand entertainment for us. 在人们的生活中占据重要 的地位 play a profoundly important role in people' slife举例:高校排名在当今社会很流行。(2010年作文)(时间)Recently ,(事件)XXX universi

54、Nice talking to you很高兴与你聊天。

55、I never grow tired of novels though I read them everyday 我每天看小说,但从没厌烦过。

56、Turn up your radio please 请你把收音机开响一点儿。!


58、我想你常常跳舞吧。I suppose you dance often

59、ity坏事:弓 I 起关注。XXX has aroused more and morepeople ' s concernthe phenomenonthat . has aroused more and more people ' s concern中性:成为普遍现象 XXX has become a very common phenomenon地点、人物:在国内大学里at domesticuniversities and colleges在人们的日常生活里 in people 's daily life在我们的社会里 in our society在青年人中 amon

60、I give you my heart,please don’t also came back。我把我的心给你了,请你不要再还回来了。

61、As a senior, Peter is writing his thesis 作为大学四年级学生,彼得正在写毕业论文。

62、Everyone laughed at the woman’s mistake 每个人都嘲笑那女人犯的错。

63、Life finds its wealth by the claims of the world, and its worth by the claims of love

64、Do you often go to a concert? 你经常去听音乐会吗?
